What exactly is laser therapy?
Laser therapies are medical procedures that use concentrated light to treat patients. Light from a laser (for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is adjusted to specific wavelengths, unlike most other light sources. This enables it to be concentrated into powerful beams. Laser light is so powerful that it can shape diamonds and cut steel.
Laser Surgery in Jaipur in medicine enable surgeons to work with high precision by focusing on a tiny area and destroying less of the surrounding tissue. You may endure less pain, oedema, and scarring with laser therapy than standard surgery. However, laser therapy can be costly and requires multiple treatments.
What is laser therapy used for?
Laser therapy can be used for a variety of purposes, including:
- Tumours, polyps, and precancerous growths can be shrunk or destroyed.
- Alleviate cancer symptoms
- Removal of kidney stones
- Removing a portion of the prostate
- Fix a detached retina
- Enhance vision
- Cure hair loss caused by alopecia or age
- Alleviate discomfort, especially back pain
Lasers have cauterizing (or sealing) properties and can be used to seal:
- Nerve endings to relieve pain following surgery
- Blood vessels to aid in the prevention of blood loss
- Lymph vessels to minimize swelling and restrict tumour cell dissemination
Lasers may be beneficial in treating several malignancies in their early stages, including:
- Cervical cancer
- Penile cancer
- Vaginal cancer
- Vulvar cancer
- Non-small cell lung cancer
- Basal cell skin cancer
Laser therapy is typically used with other cancer treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation.
Laser therapy is also used for cosmetic purposes to:
- Warts, moles, birthmarks, and spots should all be removed.
- Hair removal
- Reduce the visibility of wrinkles, blemishes, or scars
- Get rid of tattoos
How should I get ready for laser therapy?
Plan ahead of time to allow for recovery time after the operation. Make sure you have someone to drive you home after the surgery. You will almost certainly be under the influence of anaesthesia or drugs.
You may be recommended to take precautions such as quitting drugs that can impact blood clotting, such as blood thinners, a few days before the surgery.
How does laser therapy work?
Laser therapy procedures differ depending on the operation. An endoscope (a thin, illuminated, flexible tube) may steer the laser and observe tissues inside the body when treating a tumour. The endoscope is inserted through a bodily orifice, such as the mouth. The surgeon next directs the laser to reduce or eliminate the tumour.
Lasers are typically used directly on the skin during cosmetic operations.
What are the risk factors?
There are various hazards associated with laser therapy. Skin therapy has the following risks:
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Pain
- Scarring
- Alterations in skin colour
Furthermore, the anticipated treatment results may need to be more durable, necessitating additional sessions.
Some laser surgery is conducted while you are sedated, which has dangers. They are as follows:
- Pneumonia
- Confusion following the procedure
- Coronary artery disease
- Stroke
What are the advantages?
Lasers are more accurate than traditional surgical equipment, allowing for shorter and shallower cuts. This results in less tissue injury.
Laser procedures are typically shorter than traditional surgery. They are frequently performed as outpatient procedures. You are also not required to spend the night in the hospital. If general anaesthesia is needed, it is usually administered for a shorter period.
People also recuperate faster after laser surgery. Traditional operations may cause less pain, oedema, and scars.
What happens following laser therapy?
Recovery after laser surgery is comparable to that of traditional surgery. You may need to relax for a few days following the surgery and take over-the-counter pain relievers until the discomfort and swelling have subsided.
The time it takes to recover after laser therapy depends on the type of therapy you received and how much of your body was affected by the treatment.
You should strictly adhere to any orders issued by your doctor. For example, you may need to wear a urinary catheter if you have laser prostate surgery. This can help you urinate right after surgery.
You may suffer swelling, itching, and rawness surrounding the treated area if you had therapy on your skin. Your doctor may apply an ointment and dress up the affected region to make it airtight and watertight.
Make sure to do the following in the first several weeks after treatment:
- Use over-the-counter pain medicines
- Water should be used to clean the area regularly.
- Use ointments like petroleum jelly.
- Make use of ice packs.
- Scabs should not be picked.
Once the region has been overgrown with new skin, you can apply foundation or other cosmetics to conceal visible redness. Get the best Lasik Treatment in Jaipur at Apex Hospitals. Book an appointment now.
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