Advance Health Check (Male)

"Unleash Your Peak Potential with our Advance Health Check (Male)! Elevate your well- being to the next level with a comprehensive checkup designed for the modern man. Because a healthier you begin with proactive care. Embrace vitality, embrace life – your journey to optimal health starts here!"

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Test Includes:

  • 1. Blood sugar fasting
  • 2. Blood sugar PP
  • 3. Total Cholesterol
  • 4. HDL Cholesterol
  • 5. LDL Cholesterol
  • 6. Triglycerides
  • 7. Cholesterol/HDL ratio
  • 8. ECG
  • 9. Bilirubin
  • 10. SGPT
  • 11. SGOT
  • 12. Alkaline Phosphatase
  • 13. Total Protein
  • 14. Albumin
  • 15. Globulin
  • 16. A/G ratio
  • 17. Urea
  • 18. Creatinine
  • 19. Uric Acid
  • 20. Urine Routine
  • 21. PSA-Males
  • 22. Serum Electrolytes
  • 23. CBC
  • 24. X-ray Chest PA view
  • 25. USG Whole Abdomen
  • 26. Consultation-Preventive Medicine
  • 27. Consultation-Dietician
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