Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

What is tooth extraction?

    A tooth extraction is a dental treatment that removes your tooth entirely from its socket. This is sometimes referred to as "pulling" a tooth.

When is tooth extraction recommended?

    When feasible, healthcare experts aim to save natural teeth. Other restorative procedures, such as dental fillings or crowns, are only sometimes enough. If your tooth has been severely damaged and cannot be repaired, it may need to be extracted. If you have any of the following conditions, your dentist may advise you to have a tooth extracted:

  • Cavities (severe tooth decay).
  • A cracked tooth.
  • A tooth that has become impacted.
  • Crowded teeth
  • Severe Gum disease.
  • Other dental injuries, such as tooth luxation.

What occurs before a tooth extraction?

    Your dentist will examine the afflicted tooth and the surrounding gums. Your dentist will also take dental X-rays to review bone levels and determine the extent of the damage. Ensure your dentist knows of any drugs, vitamins, or supplements you are taking. Once all pertinent information has been acquired, treatment and sedative choices will be thoroughly reviewed with you.

What takes place during a tooth extraction?

    A local anaesthetic is administered to numb the afflicted tooth and surrounding gum tissue. Using specialist dental instruments, your dentist will gently loosen and carefully pull your tooth from its socket. Your dentist may need to make incisions in your gums to access your tooth, mainly if it is highly decaying or has broken off at the gum line. The socket is cleaned and disinfected after your tooth is extracted. Sometimes, your dentist may also insert a dental bone transplant to prevent bone loss in your jaw. Finally, sutures may be used to aid in healing.

What occurs after you have a tooth extracted?

    When the process is finished, your dentist will apply gauze to the extraction site and instruct you to close it with robust and constant pressure. This slows the bleeding and allows a blood clot to develop. Once the bleeding has stopped, you will remove the gauze. During the first 24 hours, you may have minor bleeding.

What are the dangers or consequences associated with tooth extraction?

    Tooth extraction, like any surgical surgery, offers a modest risk of complications. These could include:

  • Infection caused by a surgical procedure.
  • Dry socket
  • Nerve damage.
  • Perforated maxillary sinus
  • Delayed healing

What are the consequences of tooth extraction?

    Bleeding, oedema, and soreness are common adverse effects after tooth extraction. Your dentist will guide you on how to manage your healing correctly.

How long does it take for a tooth extraction to heal?

    The complexities of your case determine it. However, most people return to normalcy after a few days. While you should be able to resume normal activities within 48 to 72 hours, the jawbone typically takes several weeks to heal completely. If you intend to replace the tooth with a dental implant, you must wait a few months for complete healing.

Aftercare for tooth extraction

    Following the extraction, your dentist will provide you with a complete list of post-surgical instructions. Here are some broad recommendations to help you recover quickly:

    Maintain a clean extraction site. Two to three times each day, gently rinse the region with an antibacterial mouthwash. Brushing straight over your extraction site should be avoided until your dentist says it's safe. Brush and floss normally in all other places.

    Take all drugs exactly as prescribed. Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics and pain medications. All of these medications must be taken as prescribed. Over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen are also available.

    For at least two days, refrain from heavy activities. A higher heart rate can result in more post-operative bleeding and discomfort. For the first 48 to 72 hours, avoid going to the gym. Consult your dentist to determine when it is safe to resume normal activities.

What may I eat after having a tooth extracted?

    For the first several days, avoid hard and crunchy meals. Soft foods such as rice, pasta, eggs, yoghurt, and applesauce should be kept in your refrigerator and pantry. You should also avoid drinking through straws, which can cause blood clots and dry sockets.

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